PLEASE inquire for any custom order. I will return phone calls.

Emerging Wings, Unaware—Copyright 2004 KAS
Along my life journey, the Archangel Gabriele has guided me to make these Emerging Wings, Unaware. Necklaces, or hang them anywhere you desire to create the visual of the angels. These are not meant to be worshipped at all !! They are meant for a visual guide in helping you see the angels and to remember to call upon them when you need them. You can have these wings emerge into one large wing or have as many as a multitude of angels wings be with you. Let them help you as you need them, or better yet ask them to always be there with you. However many angels you need this is a visual guide to help you see them and know they are really there for you. Just thinking of the angels emerges their wings to protect and guide you.

If you look closely you see many tiny feathers awaiting the emerging of wings with your thoughts of the angels. You may wear it as a necklace, hang it in your car, or get creative to where you need the visual help of the angels the most to guide you in any situation when seeking their help.

Approximately 1 ½ inches in length and no wider than ½ inch. Basically an off white background and all colors vary as they are a one of a kind piece, each one is a one of a kind, no two are the same.

Retail= $24.00-------No minimum, refer to order form for ordering information.

Approximately ¾ on all four sides. Basically an off white background, or pale blue, pale green, pale pink, and all colors vary as they are a one of a kind piece, each one is a one of a kind, no two are the same.

Retail= $85.00----- No Minimum

Soon to come: PENS representing the 9 Choirs of Angels and The Archangels with their emerging wings, unaware.

Other Available Products

Barrettes------ Faux creations are: Abalone, Tiger’s Eye, Marble, Jade, Rose Quartz, Garnet, Amber, Turquoise, Lapis Lazuli, Amethyst, and Crystal White.

Retail= $12.00


Emerging Wings, Unaware style in five various shapes of angel wings.

All barrettes clip to a paper with the explantion of The Emerging Wings, Unaware.

Emerging Wings, Unaware Votives-------Retail $36.00

The transparency of the wings with the glass seems to emerge the angels from the light of the flame in a flickering dance.

Prices vary on all Emerging Wings Votives.

Custom Votives are available, please inquire.

Pens-----All pens are available with a plain clip, a golf clip, or a medical symbol clip. You must specify when ordering which one.

Pens--- Faux creations are: Abalone, Tiger’s Eye, Marble, Jade, Rose Quartz, Garnet, Amber, Turquoise, Lapis Lazuli, Amethyst, and Crystal White.

Retail= $55.00

PENCILS are available also to match the pens as sets, THIS IS a custom Order ONLY.

Ammolite soon to be available!!


Votives in all the colors combined for the balanced system
Votives in the single color needed to work on Pens

Pens-----All pens are available with a plain clip, a golf clip, or a medical symbol clip. You must specify when ordering which one.

In using the pen of the chakra color, you focus on the need of your chakra for a reminder thought of balancing throughout the day.

These are faux memsis, or mimicking, of these gemstones on the pens created out of polymer clay.

Root Chakra= Red------ Garnet
Sacral Chakra= Orange------ Tiger’s eye - Onyx
Solar Plexus Chakra= Yellow------- Amber---Citrine to come.
Heart Chakra= Green, Pink, Gold-------Rose Quartz –Jade-
Throat Chakra= Turquoise------Turquoise-
Brow Chakra= Indigo-------- Lapis lazuli
Crown Chakra= Violet------Amethyst-
White --------Crystal-like white for the Spirituality of the Light
Ammolite soon to be available!!

All items are gift boxed with a custom label.